Why Horses?

Caroline Aguiar
3 min readAug 10, 2022
Photo Credited by Shutterstock Contributed by @Pixels

Due to a horse-related incident that left me seriously doubting my role in life, the birth of my granddaughter set the wheels in motion for me to get it together and resolve my fears and reignite my passion for horses which has been with me all my life.

I’ve spent the past four months studying horse psychology/ behavior; I’ve gone to Mindfulness and Meditation Training with EAL Academy, which involves learning how to be coherent, a state of self-regulation of mind, heart, and emotions with horses as the therapists and I’m sifting through our herd at the ranch, getting to know each one on a personal level with plans of the future floating around in my head. I’ve made some brilliant discoveries about them.

What is Coherence?

Coherence is a state of balance and resilience. The Heart is at the control Center with valuable effects on our emotional state, which last up to 6 hours using a simple yet powerful technique called Heart Felt Breathing.

The effects of this type of breathing reduce stress and anxiety, strengthen our immune system, and optimize physical well-being.

I’ve also studied at Heart Math’s Training Course for Mentoring or Coaching people who have experienced Trauma.

Horses, being prey animals, are highly attuned to what’s going on around them. Their electromagnetic field is three times…



Caroline Aguiar
Caroline Aguiar

Written by Caroline Aguiar

Writing is my passion. My most well-known genres are mental health, fiction, and poetry. I seek the Truth, I write the Truth I seek the Truth.

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